>Perhaps add cfcontent before the output to set the right type for RSS?

I've been playing with this for the last few hours. Version 1, which uses 
rss.cfc does this:

<cfcontent type="text/xml" reset="true">

This works fine in almost everything, except IE9 (for me).
I see a blank page, although viewing the source looks correct.
Client sees (also in IE9), run-on unformatted text. Really odd.

Looking at the source, header looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

I've gone ahead and written a test page using cffeed (CF8 version).
Same result - almost...
Still can't see it in IE9, works everywhere else, but another bug has cropped 
In the TITLE there's a single quote/apostrophe issue - regardless of what I do, 
I end up with "Tom&apos;s Hardware". Nothing seems to fix that. However, in the 
description (body), it displays correctly as "Tom's Harware". Go figure.

If I check the actual string before it goes into the cffeed tag, it's showing a 
single quote "Tom's Hardware". Even stripping that out and replacing it with 
&#39; doesn't work. Still displays as "&apos;" in the feed title.

Code for cleaning this stuff for both description and title looks like:

  <cfset request.titlenohtml = "#rereplacenocase(pr.title,"<[^>]*>","","all")#" 
  <cfset request.titlemsclean="#ReplaceMicrosoftChars(request.titlenohtml)#"  />
  <cfset request.titlemsclean = "#replace(request.titlemsclean, "&nbsp;", " ", 
  <cfset request.titlemsclean = "#replace(request.titlemsclean, "&ndash;", "-", 
  <cfset request.titlemsclean = "#replace(request.titlemsclean, "&amp;", "&", 
  <cfset myStruct.item[currentRow].title = "#xmlFormat(request.titlemsclean)#" 

Header for the feed, now using RSS 2.0 instead of 1.0, looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"; 
xmlns:taxo="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/taxonomy/"; version="2.0"> 

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