Russ, what do you mean by "a lot of sites"?  50, 100, 500?

The Helicon Zoo module sounds interesting, if only because if it's cool 
name. :)  I'll look for instructions on how to install that with Railo.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Russ Michaels" <>
To: "cf-talk" <>
Sent: 8/20/2012 1:18:32 PM
Subject: Re: Installing Railo on IIS7.5
>if your not using any CF specific features there is a good chance your site
>will work with no changes at all.
>The only thing you have to get used to is the having to add virtual hosts
>into tomcat for every site you add to IIS.
>There is a railo extension that will auto add ALL sites from IIS into
>toimcat, which is fine if ALL your sites are Railo sites, is not then it
>might be an issue.
>I found it crashed if you had a lot of sites.
>You can avoid all this hassle by using the Helicon Zoo module instead as
>per my previous post, as this uses Jetty and due to the per site JVM
>instance does not require virtual host setup..
>On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 6:12 PM, Rick Faircloth <
>>Just to possibly hi-jack this thread (hopefully not)
>>and get an answer to a general question...
>>Would (very generally now...) going from CF to Railo
>>carry the amount of baggage (differences) that going from,
>>say IIS to Apache, carry?
>>I mean, is the learning curve (differences in setup, I mean)
>>quite steep?
>>I'm used to CF on IIS and like it that way. I'm not so much
>>an Apache, guy, although I've used it briefly and could do it.
>>I've just got a lot of programming to do and don't have much
>>time for setup issues.
>Russ Michaels
>  : Business hosting services & solutions
>        : ColdFusion developer community
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>*skype me*                     : russmichaels

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