ColdFusion 9.0.2 MS SQL Server 2005 Greetings. I have a question about lists and CFMAIL.
I need to send an email message to all email addresses in a data table that are not marked "PaidDues". First, I query the data table to find all records with PaidDues = False (or 0). <!--- ask for userIDs who have not paid yearly membership fee ---> <cfquery datasource="#application.datasource#" name="NotPaid"> SELECT UserID ,FirstName ,LastName ,UserEmail ,PaidDues FROM #request.membersTable# WHERE PaidDues = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="0"> </cfquery> Then I set up CFMAIL to send a reminder message to all UserEmail addresses where PaidDues = 0. <!--- is form.doRemind defined? ---> <cfif IsDefined("FORM.doRemind")> <cfmail server="#REQUEST.MailingListServer#" from="Email Address" to="#NotPaid.UserEmail#" subject="NNVAWI Membership Dues Reminder" username = "authorized user name" password = "#REQUEST.MailingListAdminPass#" SpoolEnable="Yes" type="html"> <h1>Greetings, #NotPaid.FirstName# #NotPaid.LastName#.</h1> <p>This is a friendly reminder to pay your NNVAWI membership dues for the current year. You may do so here at the secure payment page: <a href="">http s://</a></p> </cfmail> </cfif> <!--- /is form.doRemind defined? ---> The problem is that I need CFMAIL to process all of the records where PaidDues = 0 -- I think, as a list. So that each email recipient is identified correctly by FirstName, LastName; and the dues reminder message goes out to all of the email addresses identified in the query. I think the list function is what I need -- but I am not sure how to implement it. 8f8f11feb424aa7-8000.html Am I going down the right path? Thank you for any advice. Eric ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: