
Take a look a the "Sending query-based email" on this page

You specify the query name in the query attribute and the email column as
your "To:" attribute. Cfmail will then loop over the query and send a
customized email to each record in the query.

On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 5:45 PM, Matt Quackenbush <>wrote:

> No need at all for the cfloop. When you provide the query to cfmail it does
> the loop for you.
> On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 4:35 PM, Eric Bourland <> wrote:
> >
> > Matt, thanks for that. I made progress. I read up on the query attribute
> of
> > CFMAIL. But after doing some research, I did find another way to make
> this
> > application work: CFLOOP. This seems to be working fine -- but do you
> > recommend another way? I could not figure out how the query attribute of
> > CFMAIL would help me in this case -- I am sure I am just missing
> something
> > very obvious. =) Thank you again for your help. Eric
> >
> > <!--- is form.doRemind defined? --->
> > <cfif IsDefined("FORM.doRemind")>
> >
> > <!--- begin to loop through query --->
> > <cfloop query="NotPaid">
> >
> > <cfmail
> >       server="#REQUEST.MailingListServer#"
> >       from=""
> >       to="#NotPaid.UserEmail#"
> >       subject="NNVAWI Membership Dues Reminder"
> > username = "username"
> >       password = "#REQUEST.MailingListAdminPass#"
> >       SpoolEnable="No"
> >       type="html">
> >
> >       <h1>Greetings, #NotPaid.FirstName# #NotPaid.LastName#.</h1>
> >
> >       <p>This is a friendly reminder to pay your NNVAWI membership dues
> for
> > the current year. You may do so here at the secure payment
> > page:
> >
> >       </cfmail>
> >
> > </cfloop>
> > <!---  close cfloop --->
> >
> > </cfif>
> > <!--- / is form.doRemind defined? --->
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Matt Quackenbush []
> > Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2012 4:16 PM
> > To: cf-talk
> > Subject: Re: question about lists and CFMAIL
> >
> > No, not on the right track. Look at the query attribute of <cfmail>.
> That's
> > what you want to use.
> >
> >
> >
> > 11cbec22c24-7f8e.html
> >
> > HTH
> >
> >
> >
> >

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