On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 11:36 AM, Bryan Stevenson <
br...@electricedgesystems.com> wrote:

> So what is it about ORM that makes this "WAY WAY WAY better"

I didn't say "better", actually, I said "portable"

> Why is ORM (or ORM with CF) the magic bullet?  Simple real life example?

There is no such thing as a magic bullet. This is the reason we all are
employed. I've used ORM in CF for a number of projects, and have
used/explored maybe 50% of it's functionality so far. I am by no means an
expert, however in my own personal experience..

ORM is good at:
- Hibernate makes CRUD drop dead simple.
- Your code will be shorter, more consistant
- Changes are easier to make in one central place
- You can even have Hibernate build your tables for you! Including
relationships and indexes!
- HQL Will let you "drop down to SQL" when the ORM entities don't seem to
be doing the job alone.

ORM is bad at:
- Learning curve. The basics are easy. Adding complexity adds er...
- Errors that it throws are sometimes misleading and semi-nonsensical
(impacts learning curve)
- Things like Self-Joins and more advances functionality can be difficult
to figure out.

Like any tool in your programming toolbox, you have to know when to use it
and when not to.


Cameron Childress
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