You are going to have to edit your hosts file and create a pointer for 
"hub" that directs it to "".  Then when you call the 
webservice, you'll use "https://hub/..."; to access it.  I've been through 
this before as well and this should do it after you've imported the 
certificate from the site.


-------- Original Message --------
> From: "Ian Chapman" <>
> Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 8:13 AM
> To: "cf-talk" <>
> Subject: https connection issues using cfhttp
> Hi Guys,
> I've been wrestling with a problem calling a SOAP Web Service using 
cfhttp. The endpoint is an https URL to a server IP, not a host name.
> We are running MX7.
> Initially when I tried connecting I got the usual error response from an 
untrusted authority source:
> "ErrorDetail: I/O Exception: peer not authenticated"
> Usually when this happens we download the certificate (DER format saved 
as a .cer file) from the site using a browser and add it to the Java SDK 
truststore using the "keytool -import ...." command in the jrun/jre/lib 
> This all went ok and I can see the certificate when I list them using the 
"keytool - list..." command.
> This changed the error response to:
> "ErrorDetail: I/O Exception: Name in certificate `hub' does not match 
host name `'"
> My first issue is very common and usually easy to resolve, but the latter 
has caused a lot of head banging.
> What I can tell is that it seems to be self signed certificate and feel 
this might be part of the problem.
> Any ideas?
> Regards,
> Ian.

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