If you really can't build it using conditions/loops/etc within your query tag 
then build it like you are but eliminate the cfqueryparam tags, and HEAVILY 
validate the variables being put into those tags. Then you can concatenate a 
string together that will work. You'll just need to be super careful to ensure 
no invalid text is being put into the variables. Remove anything non-numeric 
from number fields with a regular expression, remove any html from text, 
eliminate any single quotes from text. That sort of thing.

That said I'm not sure quite why it's faster/easier/more manageable to build a 
dynamic string then it is to build a dynamic query? Perhaps you could look into 
building views within your database or even content that is aggregated into a 
single table on a periodic basis to make your situation more straightforward 
and manageable.

Nick Voss

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