On 4/11/2013 11:53 PM, Rick Root wrote:

> No, it doesn't.  Not really.
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb330962(v=sql.90).aspx

actually that page and a decade of my experience says it does. UTF-8 will get 
transformed (its designed for that) to UCS2 by the db driver. for all practical 
purposes, sql server does "support" utf-8 encoded text.

BULK INSERT is another matter. UTF-8 was dropped from that particular tool for 
some reason or another (digging around it looks like maybe a bug that was 
supposed to be fixed in 2 months, 5 years ago).

ms uses the term "Unicode Character Format" for what BULK INSERT supports but 
they're the only one that does. not exactly sure what's meant by it but reading 
thru this page:


the BOM mentioned there seems to indicate its UTF-16. so i think you're on the 
right track w/trying to get UTF-16 out of your source & using the wide char 
option. because its ms, i'd try to get little endian UTF-16 to be on the safe 

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