Really depends on your implementation, I'd say.

Also, have you tested it with actual users? How does it work for them?

On 4/16/13 5:13 PM, Matt Blatchley wrote:
> I've been writing an application in CF that imports cost data from
> Analytics, AdWords, BING, and other APIs that generate reports based on
> selected date ranges and filtered campaigns.
> After looking into multiple types of jQuery based calendar selectors used
> in setting the date ranges, I decided to go with drop down menus with my
> own Ajax/CFC driven version instead.  Now the question has come back to me
> about adding the Calendar selection instead because I've been told it's
> more "user friendly".
> When I first started writing it, I implemented the calendar selection and
> found many issues that didn't work as well as I would like.  I also looked
> into how Google Analytics uses the date range options with their calendar
> selection to see how they did it.  There are several things that I don't
> like about these and ultimately chose to not use this type of method.
> For example, if you're selecting four or more months or a full year, it's
> faster to type in the date range than to select from the provided visual
> calendar (clicking back to Jan, selecting the 1st, then clicking forward to
> Dec etc).  However, typing in the date range manually can lead to user
> error and results in a need for more validation, which is something I'd
> rather avoid.
> With a custom created set of drop down menus it's faster than both hand
> typing it and clicking through multiple months to get the right date range,
> not to mention less space used in the interface.
> Am I wrong?  Opinions?
> -Matt

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