Dear Java Gurus,

I'm using some java to do text extraction, it was built on CF8 running on
linux but we recently moved to a new CF10 server running on windows. The
code doesn't work and I can't work out why. It's not using any custom jar
files and I was able to port the same code from one CF8 linux server to
another without a problem. Move it to CF10 windows (64bit) and I start
getting instantiation errors. I realise it's a whole different operating
system and 2 versions of CF so maybe my hope that it would just work was

Just wondering if anyone with cf/java expertise had any ideas.

My code looks like this:

this.tweeturl = "

myExtractor = CreateObject( "java", "application.TextExtractor").init();

myExtractor.extract( this.tweeturl );
params.description = myExtractor.getExtractedText();

The error:

Object Instantiation Exception.
Class not found: application.TextExtractor

Simple case of a "class not found" I hear you say! Except I never installed
any classes for it. I just wrote the code on CF8 and it worked.

If anyone has any ideas I'd be most grateful.

-= Ed

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