Hi Edward,

You are trying to invoke the java class "application.TextExtractor" which
is not part of the standard java class library (those all start with
java.something or javax.something typically). The only other possibility is
that this class is included as part of CF8, as a sanity check I tested a
CF8 server with your code and got: Object Instantiation Exception. Class
not found: application.TextExtractor as expected.

So you MUST have at some point put a jar file or some .class files into
your classpath on the CF8 server. Even if your Java class path entry is
empty in the CF administrator you still could have put the class or jar
files in some locations such as WEB-INF/lib or WEB-INF/classes which would
cause them to be picked up automatically by the classloader. Do a double
check on your CF8 server and I think you will find the java code you are

Pete Freitag - Adobe Community Professional
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On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 5:25 AM, Edward Chanter <firew...@cc.uk.com> wrote:

> Dear Java Gurus,
> I'm using some java to do text extraction, it was built on CF8 running on
> linux but we recently moved to a new CF10 server running on windows. The
> code doesn't work and I can't work out why. It's not using any custom jar
> files and I was able to port the same code from one CF8 linux server to
> another without a problem. Move it to CF10 windows (64bit) and I start
> getting instantiation errors. I realise it's a whole different operating
> system and 2 versions of CF so maybe my hope that it would just work was
> misguided.
> Just wondering if anyone with cf/java expertise had any ideas.
> My code looks like this:
> this.tweeturl = "
> http://thefinanser.co.uk/fsclub/2013/04/why-all-banks-will-change-core-systems.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
> ";
> myExtractor = CreateObject( "java", "application.TextExtractor").init();
> myExtractor.extract( this.tweeturl );
> params.description = myExtractor.getExtractedText();
> The error:
> Object Instantiation Exception.
> Class not found: application.TextExtractor
> Simple case of a "class not found" I hear you say! Except I never installed
> any classes for it. I just wrote the code on CF8 and it worked.
> If anyone has any ideas I'd be most grateful.
> -= Ed

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