> From within any file that's part of that application, you can directly
> reference application.siteShortDomain:

> <cfoutput>#application.siteShortDomain#</cfoutput>

> Any file within the same directory, or any subdirectories that don't
> have their own Application.cfc or Application.cfm files, are part of
> that application.

Thanks, Dave.... I understand that usage of application variables.
The problem here is that the contact.cfc that I need to have access
to application.siteShortDomain is outside the directory structure
of application.cfc that sets the variable, contact.cfc doesn't have
access to it in the normal way.

I've set up resource files, such as contact.cfc, which processes
contact form information, set up in a separate directory structure
outside the webroot, so in other applications I can refer to the
contact.cfc for processing contact form information, as well.

Just trying to figure out how to setup a library of functionality
that I can reference from various websites. Normally, I just copy
all the cfc's into a new site's directory structure. I'm just trying
to find a way around that.

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