Has anyone updated the java version by any chance

Russ Michaels
 On 9 Jul 2013 23:11, "Chris Johnson" <ejohn...@directalliance.com> wrote:

> Really odd issue we've been having.. We have a scheduled task that hits
> another database server to get a full list of employees.  It then runs
> through the user accounts for this specific app and adds or updates
> accounts as needed.
> We weren't aware that it had been broken, so we don't know exactly what
> change on the server side could have done it (virtual instance).
> If the query looks like:
> select TOP 5 somecolumn from employees - the query runs
> If the query looks like:
> select somecolumn from employees - a blank CF error (no message or
> details) is thrown immediately without trying to run the query
> I've upped the "TOP 5" to about ~50 and around that and above, it either
> throws the immediate CF error or attempts to run and then brings down
> ColdFusion.
> On one of our other CF boxes with less memory (4gb vs 512mb), the query
> runs and returns the 18,000 rows within seconds.  Looking at Task Manager,
> I don't see any spikes in memory or CPU when the page is ran.  The error is
> thrown immediately, almost like the server just refused to bother.
> It seems like ColdFusion is either trying to allocate resources and not
> liking the info it gets or is somehow otherwise sizing up what will be
> needed for the call.  I can't think of any other reason why it wouldn't run
> and time out like other queries.  The CF error returned is blank and thrown
> immediately.
> We've created a new DSN using the fully qualified domain name, IP address,
> and even changed the query to a stored proc that should have resulted in
> less overhead on CF and nothing seems to help.
> If we don't specify a "TOP XX" number or specify one that's too large
> (50+), we get this strange result.  Otherwise it runs or at least attempts
> to run just fine.
> Being that we're using an long outdated version of CF, it's been hard to
> find support specific to this issue and I need to try to throw our server
> folks a bone as these issues tend to become IT hot potato games (not the
> server, it's CF... not CF, it's the database, etc.).
> Anyone experience a similar issue?  I've created tons of queries in the
> last 10 years, crashed tons of CF instances, and written tons of bad SQL,
> but this issue is so odd that I've never encountered it in the wild.
> In the CF Admin settings, the CF version on the trouble server is showing
> as "6,1,0,83762".

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