> Which brings up another security question.  How does other sites
> handle something like this automatically?  I mean, if I see an
> attack from an IP address, is it even worth blocking at the firewall?

What I do is a combination of input sanitizing and using cfqueryparam
to the point where it's actually not possible (in theory) to put the
application in an unknown or error state and invalid input is always
handled in a predictable way (e.g. redirect to the home page, etc.).
One of my goals when building an application is to make it so that in
theory it shouldn't be possible for the end user to generate a
ColdFusion error.  When my error handlers get a hit it becomes a Big
Deal(tm) and usually leads to a code change to make it so that the
error can't happen again.

Due to the volume of automated probes and attack tools constantly
sweeping the web I generally don't bother trying to block individual
addresses and such manually.  Our firewall/IDS farther upstream looks
for known attack patterns and blocks those for us automatically, but
if I see someone probing in the logs I usually don't pay it much
attention.  If someone is able to trigger a CF error then it does
become a top priority to investigate how they were able to do so and
patch the code so that the condition can be handled gracefully.


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