Ok, so here's the issue.  A process that was working just fine on CF9 is 
now broken on CF10.  We have a service that we call that requires us to 
submit a client certificate to the server.  In CF9, this worked just fine.  
Use the clientcert and clientcertpass attributes of CFHTTP and you're good 
to go.  It reads the .pfx file fine and everything runs...  This is not a 
cacerts issue as you do not have to have the key in the keystore to use 
Forward to CF10, the exact same code and certificates now gives the error: 

"Error while trying to get the SSL client certificate: 
java.security.UnrecoverableKeyException: Could not decrypt key: Could not 
decode key from BER. (Invalid encoding: expected tag not there. )."  
It's like it's unable to open the .pfx certificate file.
I know this is a long shot since there are not many folks out there using 
client certs, but has anyone else run across this issue?
Jeff Garza

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