You might try passing delimiter=';' as an additional dsn parameter.

Which odbc driver are you using in windows? The MS text file driver you can
specify an ini file with the delimiter and other parameters. Although I
have never tried using that.

Byron Mann
Lead Engineer & Architect
On Aug 30, 2013 10:46 AM, <> wrote:

> Ok, I have more information about this problem.
> In the CSV file, if I replace all semicolons by commas, it works perfectly.
> The problem is that, either under W 7 or W 2008, it seems that one can set
> the delimiter and some other format parameters in odbcad32.exe, but they
> are not saved anywere, at least they are not saved in a place they can be
> retrieved and used correctly. The consequence is that the delimiter by
> default will alway be used.
> Under W 7, no problem, the delimiter by default seems to be the semicolon,
> so my file is compatible, but under W2008, the default delimiter seem to be
> the comma then the fields are not recognized.

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