Be grateful for a little insight please - I've been looking at this fat too
long to see anything new.


I have this sitting between CFMAIL tags (CF8)


Mail format is HTML - I tested with Plain Text but no change.

I have  validated the output of get_AllAttachments.

I have validated the output of "theFile" and that the file(s) that are
returned by the query exist and can be read of the path
"#get_AdminDetails.AdminDocPath# and that it's a file path, not a URL. 

I put a FileExists in just to be sure.

If I remove this block of code it all works fine (no attachments of course).

If I put it back in no email at all.

I added a / to the end of cfmailparam and the email is now sent but no

On my test I should see 4 attachments.

Only peculiarity is that the file names have two periods in them with a PDF
extension viz: yyymmddhhmmss.filename.pdf but I have been unable to
ascertain if this is an issue for cfmailparam



<cfloop query="get_AllAttachments">

  <cfif get_AllAttachments.RuleID IS 1>

    <cfset theFile = "#get_AdminDetails.AdminDocPath#" & "\" &
"#get_AllAttachments.Filename#" />

    <cfif FileExists(#theFile#)>

      <cfmailparam file="#theFile#" />





Thank you!!!!!!



Kevin Parker




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