Okay, so I looked up how to and used the following command syntax:

C:\CFusion\runtime\jre\bin\keytool.exe -import -v -alias aliasname -file 
C:\temp\certfile.cer -keystore 
C:\CFusion\runtime\jre\lib\security\cacerts -storepass password

which imported successfully (verified with the list command).

Restarted server (in case that is required).  Still get socket closed. :-(

I imported *just* the certificate from the server I'm connecting to.  Do 
I need anything else in there?  Like any of the intermediate/chain or 
root certs as well?

Should I be importing some sort of combined certificate?  Or just 
individually import one at a time?

Any help is appreciated.



On 12/10/2013 2:53 PM, Russ Michaels wrote:
> Have u imported the ssl into the key store?
> Russ Michaels
> www.michaels.me.uk
> cfmldeveloper.com
> cflive.net
> cfsearch.com
> On 10 Dec 2013 20:52, "Dan LeGate"<d...@legeek.com>  wrote:
>> I take it back... exact same code EXCEPT my code in outside the Custom
>> Tag folder had excluded the PORT attribute, so I assume it was going to
>> the non-SSL port and working fine.
>> Once I added port = "636" to that code, exact same response: socket closed
>> Again, the LDAPS (636) port is open to the ColdFusion server.
>> I'm thinking it's an SSL issue.  What steps need to be taken to ensure
>> LDAPS communication works?
>> Thanks!
>> Dan
>> On 12/10/2013 12:36 PM, Dan LeGate wrote:
>>> Here's the weirdness I'm experiencing...
>>> I have a Custom Tag we've been using for years that is called from most
>>> of our applications and authenticates them to a Sun LDAP server.
>>> We are moving to an Active Directory service, and when I attempt to do a
>>> bind against the new system, I get:
>>> An error has occurred while trying to execute query :servername.com:636;
>>> socket closed.
>>> However, if I run that SAME cfldap command in a .cfm file out in a
>>> regular web folder (i.e. not as a Custom Tag under the ColdFusion
>>> directory), it works fine!
>>> I have restarted the server to make sure any old Custom Tag code isn't
>>> somehow cached.  I have verified the SSL (636) port is open to the CF
>>> server.
>>> Any ideas on this one?  Very confused by this.
>>> Thanks for any feedback!
>>> Dan

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