> You will need to import the  star (*) certificate into the keystore for the
> java instance ColdFusion is running upon.
> Basically ColdFusion doesn't like to speak to *.domain.com certificates  (I
> think CF10 doesn't mind so much), as it is not an exact match to the URL it
> is attempting to access.

In this case it's not a wildcard certificate, it's a standard cert
using the "subject alternative names" extension which isn't supported
on Java 6.  Importing the certificate into the Java keystore won't
help in this case because the primary name on the certificate doesn't
match the hostname being called.  Java will only check against the
primary hostname and not the "alternative names" listed in the
certificate.  Calling the primary hostname on the certificate and
using a hosts entry to override the DNS entry to direct it to the
right IP is the only workaround in this instance.

-Justin Scott

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