Apologies, Justin is correct. I tested this on one of our CF 8 servers and
the host file/IP manipulation worked as stated.

I'm so used to dealing with the * certificate issue, I wasn't aware this
wasn't the case for the new certificates with the multiple names.

FYI, I tried things out on CF 10, and it appears to accept these types of
certificates without issue.

Byron Mann
Lead Engineer & Architect

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 4:18 PM, Justin Scott <leviat...@darktech.org>wrote:

> > You will need to import the  star (*) certificate into the keystore for
> the
> > java instance ColdFusion is running upon.
> >
> > Basically ColdFusion doesn't like to speak to *.domain.com certificates
>  (I
> > think CF10 doesn't mind so much), as it is not an exact match to the URL
> it
> > is attempting to access.
> In this case it's not a wildcard certificate, it's a standard cert
> using the "subject alternative names" extension which isn't supported
> on Java 6.  Importing the certificate into the Java keystore won't
> help in this case because the primary name on the certificate doesn't
> match the hostname being called.  Java will only check against the
> primary hostname and not the "alternative names" listed in the
> certificate.  Calling the primary hostname on the certificate and
> using a hosts entry to override the DNS entry to direct it to the
> right IP is the only workaround in this instance.
> -Justin Scott

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