On Mar 4, 2014 5:40 AM, "Gerald Guido" wrote:
> Why are people so vehemently opposed so to CFForm?

Because it will only get you so far. And once you want to go further,
you'll find that you can't. So then you have to go back, rip out cfform and
replace it with something else. At which point you will discover that
whatever skills you learned using cfform are useless because they don't
transfer to other form frameworks.
All of this is just fine if you know it beforehand and plan for it. But at
the same time you are developing your cfform project, the rest of the world
is moving forward. And I am guessing too many of us got burned when a
project initially was fine with cfform, but then the requirements changed
and it wasn't anymore

Additionally I suspect plain old snobbery: it is not a technologically good
solution, therefore it can never be a good solution from an ROI perspective.


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