One of the many applications I inherited and support uses CFFORM
exclusively throughout it.  I know a number of other applications at that
same business are just like that but those are handled by offshore folks
and I am 99.9% certain they have not deviated from using it since they more
or less just keep the things running now that original developer is long
gone.  Here in recent weeks the one I support started showing an issue with
"bind" being used between some CFSELECTS and to make AJAX calls, it was
exposed when someone updated their Firefox browser.  That place really is
almost exclusively an IE shop so no telling how long the issue had been
there.  I got it fixed the morning I was made aware of it and it worked
from in Chrome, Firefox and IE for me and from all of my machines.  Within
a couple of days just one single IE user started having an issue.  At that
point I decided why should I bother with trying to get this working when I
know I can rewrite it using JQuery and be done with the issues. Now I left
CFFORM in those few spots and still is being used for required fields, I
simply stripped out the binding and redid that with JQuery.  But one could
run into similar issues using some old JS library for what ever in their
application and as browsers update they may find the applications broken in

I do not really see a problem with using CFFORM just like anything else out
there it will have its places it is a non issue to use and then places it
just is the wrong tool for the job.  With that said I do not use it on
anything I make but not because of any distaste for it but because I just
have my own ways to tackle things and those ways work the most efficiently
for me.  Kind of like CFUPDATE that I saw mentioned to never use.
 Truthfully I forgot that one even existed until a year or so ago when a
friend of mine made a small Intranet RMA application for his work.  That
guy knows nothing about CF or really any programming.  He came to me with
some question and when I looked through the code I saw that getting used
and I remember one of his problems was how to update a column where no form
field with that name was being passed in, simple enough just do a <cfset
form.colName = whatever />.  That friend of mine used a lot of the built in
things to CF that so many say not to use in online communities.  At the end
of it all he got something working almost 100% with zero knowledge of
programming and via bouncing ideas off me we got it to 100% and is still in
use to this day.

Admiral Aaron Rouse

On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 8:11 PM, Gerald Guido <> wrote:

> Thank you all for taking the time  to answer. It has been most
> enlightening.I must say that assumptions made were more interesting than
> the answers themselves.
> G!
> --
> Gerald Guido
> Twitter <>
> Blarg <>
> Facebook <>
> On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Raymond Camden <
> >wrote:
> >
> > And btw - don't forget - there is a whole project dedicated to helping
> you
> > replace these items. (So instead of just saying Dont Do X, we can do Do
> > This) -
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 11:25 AM, Jochem van Dieten <
> > >wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > On Mar 4, 2014 5:40 AM, "Gerald Guido" wrote:
> > > > Why are people so vehemently opposed so to CFForm?
> > >
> > > Because it will only get you so far. And once you want to go further,
> > > you'll find that you can't. So then you have to go back, rip out cfform
> > and
> > > replace it with something else. At which point you will discover that
> > > whatever skills you learned using cfform are useless because they don't
> > > transfer to other form frameworks.
> > > All of this is just fine if you know it beforehand and plan for it. But
> > at
> > > the same time you are developing your cfform project, the rest of the
> > world
> > > is moving forward. And I am guessing too many of us got burned when a
> > > project initially was fine with cfform, but then the requirements
> changed
> > > and it wasn't anymore
> > >
> > > Additionally I suspect plain old snobbery: it is not a technologically
> > good
> > > solution, therefore it can never be a good solution from an ROI
> > > perspective.
> > >
> > > Jochem
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

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