---- Dave Watts <dwa...@figleaf.com> wrote: 
> In the case where everything's locked down by default, nothing works,
> and admins need to learn how to remove security to allow access to a
> web application.

This reminds me of finding a scientific server where everyone in the department 
was an administrator. When I asked about why the heck everyone was in the 
administrators group, the people told me the specialized software wouldn't work 
if a user wasn't in the administrators group. My assumption was all they needed 
was access to a temp folder, but I wasn't in the position to go all crazy on 
them. Hey, but it worked! Academic software developers aren't always concerned 
with security.

So, I'm not sure locking down initially would help that much since many unaware 
installers would just undo all the security to make it work. How do other 
enterprise middleware systems do it?

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