consider this

Imagine a family buys a car, and by default the airbags and anti-lock
breaks are not enabled.
Somewhere deep in the manual is a mention of following a "safety setup
guide" and You are expected to follow this guide  make changes to your car
to make it safe and secure.

Now imagine there is a family out in that car one day, they crash and every
dies because they did not read that guide and did not setup their anti
locking breaks and airbags.

would you say "serves them right, they should have done the safety setup
procedures, anyone who doesn't know that shouldn't be driving a car"
or is it more likely that you will blame the manufacturer for for not
making the car safe to begin with.

most people who drive a car knows how they work, most people who run a
server (VPS) is a security expert or even a sysadmin.

Cloud/VPS hosting is so common these days, that every tom dick and harry
has one, and they no barely anything about running a server. they either
installed CF themselves, or asked their host to do it, who also knows
nothing about CF.

I expect anything I buy to be safe and secure by default, whether it be a
car, a lawnmower or ColdFusion, even if I do have the common sense to check
it beforehand.

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 2:49 PM, Money Pit <> wrote:

> > If you let your nephew install a server and don't
> > bother to double check his work, that is *your* fault, no one else.
> What does this matter when the bad juju blows back publicly on the product
> itself?
> Blaming the customer for problems in other channels typically doesn't tend
> to end well for the seller.  Thats what I am seeing here.  I know you're
> right... but is that relevant to long term sales growth?  I'm no longer a
> full-time CF developer.  I run a company whose focus has to be on customer
> service.  I cannot imagine an approach like that surviving in my
> marketplace for long.  So I'm not looking at this from a technical
> perspective.  At its root this is not a tech problem at all.  Its a problem
> with consumer perception of the product.
> --
> --m@Robertson--
> Janitor, The Robertson Team

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