
I'm havin someting weird hapening on mt CF 9 / Windows Web Server 2008 / IIS 7.5

My site is returning an error 404 status when some requested page does'nt 
For instance http://myDomain.com/index.cfm?p=page&id=21 return normaly page 21 
which exists,
but http://myDomain.com/index.cfm?p=page&id=999 returns an error 404 since 
there is no page 999 in the database.
This is achieved by the following code:

<CFIF GetPage.recordCount EQ 0>
     <CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE="/commun/notFound.cfm"><CFABORT>

and notFound.cfm contains this:
<cfheader statuscode="404" statustext="Page not found">
<h3>Page not found</h3>
<BR><CFOUTPUT>Sorry, the requested page does not exists on this site <A 

Now the PROBLEM is that the generated code is displayed AFTER the text 
generated by the IIS server in case of any 404 error.
If I remove the line with statuscode="404", the page is displayed normally.

It seems that when CF is returning a 404 response, IIS fells compelled to put 
it's oar too ;-)

The problem does not happen on my development setup, with the same version of 
CF and IIS.

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