You have two options that I can see:

1) Point the static content option to an empty file (not a very good option for 
your static content 404’s)
2) Remove the 404 handler completely from the Error Pages and use your 
web.config to handle 404’s for static content and pass through existing 
responses.  The following web.config <httpErrors> example doesn’t fire the for 
404 handler if an existing response exists (e.g. - one generated by CF):
         <remove statusCode="404" subStatusCode="-1" />
         <error statusCode="404” existingResonse=“PassThrough" 
path="/index.cfm/error/not_found" responseMode="ExecuteURL" />

(actually, now that I think about it, you could probably just add the 
PassThrough attribute to your web.config for the site and it would accomplish 
what you need to do)

A more advanced option, but my personal preference nowadays, is to put NGINX 
out in front of IIS and let it handle everything for static content.  Then just 
remove the IIS error handlers from the site and let CF handle all of those when 
the NGINX proxy is in effect.


On Jul 30, 2014, at 3:53 PM, Claude Schnéegans <> 

>>> IIS Manager >[Site] >Error Pages > 404 - Uncheck “Insert content from 
>>> static file in to the error response” and/or reconfigure as fits your need.
> Ok, I've seen that, but the problem is that I still have to give a URL to be 
> executed or Respond with 302 redirect.
> In fact I just need IIS to do nothing, everything I need is done in my page, 
> I just need to return the 404 status to the browser

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