Your hosting provider should troubleshoot this if they will not provide the
SMTP logs. We do not usually provide entire logs either, but will attempt
to find the pertinent records and provide them.  Should be easy enough to
parse the logs if you provide an approximate time the email was sent and
email address for the destination.

Provider should also check to see if it just never made it off the local
server.  Could be the endpoint mail server was unresponsive at the time.
 Most email server will queue and retry a few times after a certain time
period, but eventually fail and hold

Your provider may also have an outbound spam filter trapping the email.
This might account for it not making it to the end point.

Use a failto in cfmail as it may provide you some detail. If the mail isn't
making it off the server, it should bounce to the failto.

I do agree with Russ a shared web server sending mail through localhost is
usually a bad thing.  We stopped allowing this.  Just too many customers
who have compromised forms that abusers use to send spam.  So we now
require smtp auth to send via their shared mail server (makes it easier to
track abuse) or suggest an external mail service.

Byron Mann
Lead Engineer & Architect

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