But it is being explicitly passed. That's where I'm lost.

> On Aug 30, 2014, at 12:44, Phillip Vector <vec...@mostdeadlygame.com> wrote:
> The reason is apparent.
> Element USERID is undefined in ATTRIBUTES.
> Trace the attribute back and figure out where it was set and see why it
> isn't being set.
> On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 11:31 AM, Matthew Smith <chedders...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>  <cfcase value="createUser">
>>  <cfinvoke
>> component="cfcs.qry-todatabase"
>> method="qry_peopleCreateNewUser"
>>                argumentcollection="#attributes#"
>> returnvariable="qry_peopleCreateNewUser">
>>  <cfif qry_peopleCreateNewUser.returnKey eq -1>
>>    <cfset XFA.badLogin = "#fusebox.thisCircuit#.go">
>>    <cfmodule fuseaction="#XFA.badLogin#"
>> error="badPassword"
>> emailaddress = "#attributes.emailAddress#"
>> cfid="#cfid#" cftoken="#session.cftoken#"
>> template="#fusebox.rootpath##modself#">
>>    <cfelse>
>>    <cfmodule
>> fuseaction="#fusebox.thisCircuit#.startSession"
>> userid="#qry_peopleCreateNewUser.returnKey#"
>> template="#fusebox.rootpath##modself#"
>> cfid="#cfid#" cftoken="#session.cftoken#">
>>  </cfif>
>>  </cfcase>
>>  <cfcase value="startSession">
>>  <cflock
>> scope="SESSION"
>> timeout="10"
>> type="EXCLUSIVE">
>>    <cfset session.loggedIn = 1>
>>    <cfset variables.tmp = structdelete(session, "billinginfo")>
>>  </cflock>
>>  <cfset client.userID = attributes.userID>
>>  <cfset XFA.defaultReturnFuseaction = "#fusebox.homeCircuit#.home">
>>  <cfif listFirst(evaluate("client.#fusebox.thiscircuit#returnFuseaction"),
>> ".") eq "SECUREOrderApp">
>>    <cfobject component="cfcs.qry-todatabase" name="qry" />
>>    <cfset qry_orderInfoBufferCreate = qry.qry_orderInfoBufferEdit(
>> cfuserid="#session.CFID#0#session.CFTOKEN#") />
>>    <cfset qry_cartAssignPersonKey = qry.qry_cartAssignPersonKey(
>> cfuserid="#session.CFID#0#session.CFTOKEN#", app_user_id =
>> "#CLIENT.USERID#") />
>>  </cfif>
>>  <cfinclude template="url_thisCircuit_returnFuseAction.cfm">
>>  </cfcase>
>> getting this error even though explicitly passed...
>> Element USERID is undefined in ATTRIBUTES.  The error occurred in
>> *D:/Inetpub/redhotkitties/site_theartoflovingcatsanddogs_com/authentication/fbx_Switch.cfm:
>> line 91*
>> *Called from*
>> D:/Inetpub/redhotkitties/site_theartoflovingcatsanddogs_com/fbx_fusebox30_CF50.cfm:
>> line 273
>> *Called from*
>> D:/Inetpub/redhotkitties/site_theartoflovingcatsanddogs_com/fbx_fusebox30_CF50.cfm:
>> line 33
>> *Called from*
>> D:/Inetpub/redhotkitties/site_theartoflovingcatsanddogs_com/fbx_fusebox30_CF50.cfm:
>> line 1
>> *Called from*
>> D:/Inetpub/redhotkitties/site_theartoflovingcatsanddogs_com/index.cfm:
>> line 9
>> *Called from*
>> D:/Inetpub/redhotkitties/site_theartoflovingcatsanddogs_com/Application.cfc:
>> line 62
>> 89 :     <cfset variables.tmp = structdelete(session, "billinginfo")>
>> 90 :   </cflock>*91 :   <cfset client.userID = attributes.userID>*
>> 92 :   <cfset XFA.defaultReturnFuseaction = "#fusebox.homeCircuit#.home">
>> 93 :   <cfif
>> listFirst(evaluate("client.#fusebox.thiscircuit#returnFuseaction"),
>> ".") eq "SECUREOrderApp">

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