It isn¹t being explicitly passed, it is being explicitly referenced. The
template assumes it was passed in as part of the attributes
collection/scope (as per argumentcollection="#attributes#²). The error is
telling you that it is not in the attributes scope. The error is not wrong
so, like Phillip suggested, step back until you find where you think it is
being set and figure out why it isn¹t. Nothing you¹ve said or pasted will
let anywhere here give you much more info than that.

On 8/30/14, 3:44 PM, "Phillip Vector" <> wrote:

>Apparently, it isn't. Go back further.
>On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 12:08 PM, Matthew Smith <>
>> But it is being explicitly passed. That's where I'm lost.
>> > On Aug 30, 2014, at 12:44, Phillip Vector <>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > The reason is apparent.
>> >
>> > Element USERID is undefined in ATTRIBUTES.
>> >
>> > Trace the attribute back and figure out where it was set and see why
>> > isn't being set.
>> >
>> >
>> > On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 11:31 AM, Matthew Smith
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >>  <cfcase value="createUser">
>> >>  <cfinvoke
>> >> component="cfcs.qry-todatabase"
>> >> method="qry_peopleCreateNewUser"
>> >>                argumentcollection="#attributes#"
>> >> returnvariable="qry_peopleCreateNewUser">
>> >>  <cfif qry_peopleCreateNewUser.returnKey eq -1>
>> >>    <cfset XFA.badLogin = "#fusebox.thisCircuit#.go">
>> >>    <cfmodule fuseaction="#XFA.badLogin#"
>> >> error="badPassword"
>> >> emailaddress = "#attributes.emailAddress#"
>> >> cfid="#cfid#" cftoken="#session.cftoken#"
>> >> template="#fusebox.rootpath##modself#">
>> >>    <cfelse>
>> >>    <cfmodule
>> >> fuseaction="#fusebox.thisCircuit#.startSession"
>> >> userid="#qry_peopleCreateNewUser.returnKey#"
>> >> template="#fusebox.rootpath##modself#"
>> >> cfid="#cfid#" cftoken="#session.cftoken#">
>> >>  </cfif>
>> >>  </cfcase>
>> >>  <cfcase value="startSession">
>> >>  <cflock
>> >> scope="SESSION"
>> >> timeout="10"
>> >> type="EXCLUSIVE">
>> >>    <cfset session.loggedIn = 1>
>> >>    <cfset variables.tmp = structdelete(session, "billinginfo")>
>> >>  </cflock>
>> >>  <cfset client.userID = attributes.userID>
>> >>  <cfset XFA.defaultReturnFuseaction = "#fusebox.homeCircuit#.home">
>> >>  <cfif
>> listFirst(evaluate("client.#fusebox.thiscircuit#returnFuseaction"),
>> >> ".") eq "SECUREOrderApp">
>> >>    <cfobject component="cfcs.qry-todatabase" name="qry" />
>> >>    <cfset qry_orderInfoBufferCreate = qry.qry_orderInfoBufferEdit(
>> >> cfuserid="#session.CFID#0#session.CFTOKEN#") />
>> >>    <cfset qry_cartAssignPersonKey = qry.qry_cartAssignPersonKey(
>> >> cfuserid="#session.CFID#0#session.CFTOKEN#", app_user_id =
>> >> "#CLIENT.USERID#") />
>> >>  </cfif>
>> >>  <cfinclude template="url_thisCircuit_returnFuseAction.cfm">
>> >>  </cfcase>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> getting this error even though explicitly passed...
>> >>
>> >> Element USERID is undefined in ATTRIBUTES.  The error occurred in
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> line 91*
>> >> *Called from*
>> >>
>> >> line 273
>> >> *Called from*
>> >>
>> >> line 33
>> >> *Called from*
>> >>
>> >> line 1
>> >> *Called from*
>> >> 
>> >> line 9
>> >> *Called from*
>> >>
>> >> line 62
>> >>
>> >> 89 :     <cfset variables.tmp = structdelete(session, "billinginfo")>
>> >> 90 :   </cflock>*91 :   <cfset client.userID = attributes.userID>*
>> >> 92 :   <cfset XFA.defaultReturnFuseaction =
>> "#fusebox.homeCircuit#.home">
>> >> 93 :   <cfif
>> >> listFirst(evaluate("client.#fusebox.thiscircuit#returnFuseaction"),
>> >> ".") eq "SECUREOrderApp">
>> >
>> >

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