> How do you know this? What do you mean exactly by "incorrectly compiled"? 
> What version of CF are you running? What are the exact error messages you're 
> seeing?

The reason I know it's not being compiled correctly is because when this issue 
occurs, the errors that happen are indicative of the .cfm file being in place, 
but the byte code being empty.

What I mean is, let's say page.cfm does a cfinclude on a high volume file 
called set_first_name.cfm which simply sets a variable called "firstName".

If that file is "corrupted" in the way I am describing, a "firstName variable 
is undefined" error would occur when firstName was referenced back in page.cfm 
(after the cfinclude). Because even though the included set_first_name.cfm file 
does indeed exist, the byte code that was generated is behaving as if it is 
"blank" (for lack of a better term).

I haven't personally examined the byte code, but 1) I don't have access to the 
live server, and 2) I wouldn't really know how to read it.

> I've never seen this problem, even in many high-volume environments - some of 
> which had their own problems. And it doesn't really make sense, given my 
> (admittedly limited) knowledge of CF internals. So, I kind of think this is 
> unlikely. Something else is probably happening.

You may be right, but this is what we're experiencing. I also admit a limited 
knowledge of CF internals.

> That article isn't really related, although it could solve the 
> problem you describe. You can precompile CF code, then deploy that instead of
> the source code. You could try doing this to solve your problem, but
> again I don't think that's really the problem you're having.

I agree that the article is only somewhat related, but it is related in the 
fact that, yes, there seems to be some sort of problem with the compilation 
process. We have thought about deploying the compiled code, but wanted to see 
if anyone else had experienced this problem first. 

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