On 10/9/2014 1:49 PM, Cameron Childress wrote:
> Most databases will let you issue multiple SQL statements in a single
> request/transaction. You just have to separate them with a semicolon.

If you did it this way, how would you get the ID from the first insert 
for use in the 2nd ... (because I'm looking at stored procedures and I'm 
not ashamed to admit that doing that inside SQL Server is beyond my 
coding capabilities - unless somebody can point me to /The Complete 
Idiot's Guide to Writing this Procedure with SqlServer 10/ (which I've 
been looking for but haven't found yet...)

So something like:

      insert into table_1 (...) values (...);
      insert into table_2 (table_1_id, other_stuff) values 
(#Id_from_above_insert#, #other_stuff# )

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