Just to play devil's advocate for moment... This thread reminds me of the
old adage about what happens when you hire a carpenter for just any old
job, they tend to hit things with hammers. As web software developer, our
first instinct is to go out and write code.

Having been down this same avenue a hundred times, I can tell you,
ColdFusion is a terrible way to process very large Excel files into a
database. As you're beginning to feel as well I'm sure.

Not knowing much about your overall process, I'll try to stick to some
generic ideas. Let's assume you don't need this stuff dumped into the
database the very second it gets sent to you. Also, let's assume they maybe
your not getting the files from a standard web form upload. But you've got
Excel files that need to be periodically read and uploaded into a SQL

The very best tool for doing this is Microsoft SSIS. SQL Server includes an
ETL (Extract Transform Load) tool baked into a version of Visual Studio,
it's free to download and use, It's learning curve is very low and it does
exactly what you are describing very well and very quickly. If you instead
setup an SSIS job to take the excel and load it into the database, you can
either schedule it to run and check a folder on your server (thereby
processing every excel file in there as a batch) or you could even fire it
off as needed via some command tools in SQL Server.

Here are some helpful links



Alan Rother

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