It seems the IE rendering engine is slower in your particular case. Time 
re-work your app to not send 13 Megs of data and 6000 select options to 
the client.

Look into paging, live filtering, and ajax-powered searching.

On 10/29/14, 5:46 PM, Gonzo Rock wrote:
> Looking for ideas on how to fix this.
> -- IE seems to hang after it renders a very large webpage... 13Mb of html
> -- Same page in firefox or chrome or opera have no problems
> Details:
> This page is pretty much straight up html markup of a 6000 row table using
> the classic <table><tr><td> tags generated in CF.
> Caveat.
> Above the main data table are 6 or so select boxes where the user can
> select various filters to use and once they have they submit the page with
> the selected filter to CF where a new query is run to effect the filter.
> Among the 6 selects there are upwards of 6000 various <options> to choose
> from. One of them holds 5000+ in that select box.
> Clicking on any of the select boxes... even the one with 6 options... takes
> 5-10 seconds before the select box  opens. However this works VERY fast in
> Chrome, FFox, Opera.
> If the user submits a filter that reduces the data returned to say 600 rows
> in the table... IE quickly shows the drop down box... as do the other
> browsers.
> The Select/Option syntax is perfect... I have reviewed it over and over
> again for errors... there are none that I see.
> The <tr><td> sets are all proper
> I have worked with the doc type, the meta tags for encoding, yielding no
> improvement. Fiddler has not been useful in this effort... though I'd be
> the first to admit I don't get much of what it produces.
> Stackoverflow has a lot of discussion of javascript rendering but... this
> is all html from CF
> So what is it about IE that causes this problem? This is IE 10 and 11. I
> can't vouch for IE 9.
> Thanks for any ideas to chase down.

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