On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 8:46 PM, Gonzo Rock wrote:

> -- IE seems to hang after it renders a very large webpage... 13Mb of html
> -- Same page in firefox or chrome or opera have no problems
> Details:
> This page is pretty much straight up html markup of a 6000 row table using
> the classic <table><tr><td> tags generated in CF.

I would look at ways to reduce the data you are sending the browser. I know
"it works in FF" but in my opinion your time would be much better spent
dropping something like datatables in there and using the Ajax callbacks to
show a subset of the data:


You may also look at something like TokenInput to replace potentially giant


The more data you add, the more DOM there is for your JS library to walk
through and 13 megs is too big. From a practical standpoint no human can
actually consume that much information visually - so I usually try to get
to the bottom of what they are actually looking for and find a way to
quickly get them that data and nothing more.


Cameron Childress
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