What's preventing it from negotiating to an earlier version of SSL? 
Settings in the keystore?

On 10/30/14, 3:36 PM, Michael Grant wrote:
> I have a legacy app on CF9 (originally CF7) which uses CFHTTP to make a 
> secure connection to Chase Paymentech's Orbital payment gateway. I have the 
> SSL's installed into the Java keystore like I'm supposed to and for about 7 
> years this app has been working as expected.
> Fast forward to a few days ago and my host disabled SSLv3, as the world has 
> been instructed to do to thwart the POODLE vulnerability. The moment they did 
> that my app no longer can process transactions. I get the classic 
> "COM.Allaire.ColdFusion.HTTPFailure" type error with the message "Connection 
> Failure: Status code unavailable". This isn't the typical message of when you 
> don't have the cert installed where it says peer could not be authenticated.
> According to tech support it's only with CF that disabling SSLv3 stops 
> communication. Apparently others don't have this issue.
> Does anyone know of a work around? I'm not sure if CF9 is the problem or CF 
> as a whole. Would upgrading to CF10 help? I'm in a real bind here as the 
> client hasn't been able to process ecommerce transactions for a few days now.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Here's the cfhttp code:
>       <cfhttp url="https://orbital1.paymentech.net"; method="post" 
> throwonerror="yes" port="443">
>           <cfhttpparam type="body" value="#transInfo#"><!--- XML request 
> var--->
>           <cfhttpparam type="header" name="MIME-Version"              
> value="1.0">
>           <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-type"              
> value="application/PTI43">
>           <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-length"            
> value="#Len(Trim(transInfo))#">
>           <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-transfer-encoding" 
> value="text">
>           <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Request-number"    value="1">
>           <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Document-type"             
> value="Request">
>           <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Merchant-id"               
> value="#merchantID#">
>           <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Interface-Version"         
> value="2.2.0">
>           <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Accept"                    
> value="application/xml">
>       </cfhttp>

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