Well, not so painless, actually, as one of my applications runs 220 websites 
and that goes beyond Tomcat's ability with a single connector or server.xml, so 
I decided to try it under Apache, and am currently having rewriteRules 
problems. But they'll get solved. I'm 95% of the way there.

Beyond that, Railo does seem to be much faster, and there were very few code 
changes to be made. Mostly the fact that any database result set with a field 
named #url# needed to be scoped by the query name; Railo doesn't support the 
interpolation attribute for cfimage; and there's no cftextarea tag. It only 
took a few minutes to find them all through trial and error and fix them.



At 04:54 PM 12/23/2014, Jon Clausen wrote:

>The only thing I can add, other than that Railo is excellent, is that you’ll 
>want to take a close look at the compatibility section 
> ) and syntax differences 
><https://github.com/getrailo/railo/wiki/Language_And_Syntax_Differences> ) to 
>make sure all of your existing code complies.   The differences aren’t major, 
>but there are a few that may apply to you.
>It’s a very good upgrade, IMHO, and, generally, a painless switch.

Michael Muller
Admin, MontagueMA.net Website
...a project of MontagueWebWorks.com
(413) 320-5336

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