It was a setting under IIS:

Under "Handler Mappings", double-click on the handler for ".cfm". Then
click the "Request Restrictions..." button. It should open to the
"mappings" tab. The "Invoke handler only if request is mapped to:" checkbox
should NOT be checked.

On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 2:12 PM, Mark Spence <> wrote:

> Sorry for the misunderstanding, but he 404 is for pages the are ses
> product pages.  So I need the content to be returned to the user.  An
> example would be thus:
> I am pulling "productpages" to see that it is a product page and "103" to
> get the product id.  All I need is for CF to catch the 404 error, invoke
> the onmissingtemplate in Application.cfc, and everything works.  This is
> what is happening on the live site with IIS and CF9.
> The problem with using IIS's custom error page for 404 is that the
> requested template variable is the 404 page itself, which doesn't work with
> my code.  I am hoping that there is something I can configure in CF and IIS
> rather than rewriting everything just for the development server.
> The code I posted in my last response was just to show that it seems that
> Application.cfc is not being invoked, the response is being discarded, or
> something else is going on.

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