You probably know already, but I'll say it just in case ... you can rarely
have a 100% clean list.     I have found that even after you just clean up
a list, your next mailing will have rejects in it.   Even if it's only a
few minutes since you last cleaned it up.

Your error handling needs to be able to differentiate between temporary
problems (e.g. mailbox full)  and permanent problems (e.g. that user not
known here) .      Your block of ip addresses can be blocked if someone in
the same data centre gets flagged as a spammer.   And that can be only
transient too, so next time you try to bulk email some of the ones that
were rejected as "sender address blocked" are not rejected now.

Then there are the ones that are rejected because their mailbox is full.
It might be full because it's an inactive email address (i.e. permanent) ,
or simply that they have been on vacation and havent picked up email for a
while (i.e. temporary).      Or they might be in arrears with the credit
department at their email hosting service,  which will be cleared again
once they pay their bill.

I usually flag bouncing email addresses  but still include them in the next
couple of emails.  If they bounce 3 times I consider them to be dead and
remove them from the list.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

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