> When it comes down to it, what is Flash really usable for? Display of
> information? No.  Showing store products in a dynamic environment? 
> No.  Showing dynamic graphs and 3d images? Sure.  I gotta be honest
> in saying that the only place I see Flash right now is @ cool
> development shop sites... Raremedium, Juxt... even the Macromedia
> showcase for Flash (http://www.macromedia.com/showcase/) mentions a)
> ad banners, b) sound, c) complex client side applications...  Flash
> isn't going to take over the www.  It wasn't made too.

It doesn't have to take over the web to be useful.

We're using it quite a bit for business purpose - for displaying information
and showing dynamically-generated info. While I like to think that Fig Leaf
is a "cool development shop site", we're really not. We build business
applications, and we focus squarely on return-on-investment. To the extent
that Flash helps us with this, we'll use it.

Take a look at this, and tell me Flash has no place in business apps:


Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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