Small bug in my code...forgot the anchor name in the link. Change the line
that reads:

      <a href="link.cfm##">#t1.init#</a>


      <a href="link.cfm###t1.init#">#t1.init#</a>

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Flynn 
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 1:45 PM
Subject: RE: Alphabetic List

Here's some code that does it.  If you care about what the source looks
like, take the CR/LF out of the source loops.  Even has comments ;)

<!--- Query the DB --->
<cfquery name="t1" datasource="ds" dbtype="ODBC">
select distinct init
from test4
order by init

<!--- Print the first All link --->
<cfoutput><a href="link.cfm##top">All</a></cfoutput>
<cfset letter=65>

<!--- Loop through the query.   --->
<cfoutput query="t1">
  <!--- Loop through all the letters until the next one in the query --->
  <cfloop condition="letter LT 91 and chr(letter) is not t1.init">
     #chr(letter)#<cfset letter=letter+1>
  <!--- Now assert that we're at the next one in the query OR we just
printed Z --->
  <cfif t1.init is chr(letter)>
      <a href="link.cfm##">#t1.init#</a>
          <cfset letter=letter+1>

<!--- Now print out the rest of the letters AFTER the last one in the query
<cfloop condition="letter LT 91">
   #chr(letter)#<cfset letter=letter+1>

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 11:42 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Alphabetic List

Thanks for your replies.

I think I didn't elaborate the question clearly.

What I need is to output the list:

All - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Lists

If there are persons last names start with "B", B should be a hot link.
If there is no one's last name starts with "Q", Q is not clickable.


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