I can't figure out how to output a query to the hundreth place, I can format
the number to the Hundereth, but CF or SQL Server round it to the nearest
number. I am currently running CF 4.5.1 with SQL Server.

Here's my query and output:

<cfquery name="GetTeamStats" datasource="#DS#" username="#DSUsername#"
SELECT    AVG(BB_BoxGame.HTotal) AS HomeAvg,
                                SUM(BB_BoxGame.HTotal) AS HomeTotal,
                                AVG(BB_BoxGame.VTotal) AS VisitAvg,
                                SUM(BB_BoxGame.VTotal) AS VisitTotal
FROM    BB_BoxGame
WHERE   BB_BoxGame.HomeID = 187 OR BB_BoxGame.VisitorID = 187

<cfoutput query="GetTeamStats">
Home Average / #Numberformat(HomeAvg, "99.99")#<br>
Home Total / #HomeTotal#<br>
On the Road Average / #Numberformat(VisitAvg, "99.99")#<br>
On the Road Total / #VisitTotal#<br>

Jason Larson

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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