You can verify that the funds exist without actually charging the card.

At 01:32 PM 2/12/2001 -0800, you wrote:

>WebMaster wrote:
> > Real-time is quick and easy these days, so I can't see any reason to do it
> > manually.
>    I'm working on a site where inventory is maintained in a system 
> completely separate of the web site.  We have no
>access to the inventory numbers.  Don't charge the customer if you aren't 
>going to be able to send them the item.
>    Another reason is to not charge the customer until the item ships.
>    There is no reason why the above to situations couldn't be set up to 
> charge the card via the internet, although
>it wouldn't be in 'real-time' when the customer places the order.
>Jeff Houser | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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>DotComIt, LLC
>database driven web data using ColdFusion, Lotus Notes/Domino
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