As I said in another forum, this may be a problem employee at the company 
and not the company itself. It happens. I recommended asking for the 

At 07:17 PM 2/12/01 -0500, you wrote:

>My experience has been just the opposite of yours, both with regard to their
>personnel and the details of their account offerings and charges. While I
>know at least one of us (Bud, I believe) had performance issues with their
>servers, I've had excellent service and performance from them with clients
>who needed low-priced shared hosting for multiple domains.
>Not trying to trivialize whatever problems you encountered, but I hated to
>see their offerings mis-represented in a public forum.
> > is another host provider to avoid.   They don't allow
> > subdomains under a single account.  They also don't allow multiple domains
> > under one parent account.  They charge you full charge for each sub-domain
> > cname and top-level domain name.  Their people are also not very
> > knowlegable and rude.
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