Has anyone ever experienced session variables not getting set.

I have created a login page like so,

<cfif isdefined("form.uid") and isdefined("form.pwd")>
                <cfquery name="checkLoginUser"
datasource="#application.dsn#" username="sa" password="ruler">
                SELECT    uid, pwd
                FROM      dbo.Users
                WHERE     (uid = '#form.uid#') and (pwd = '#form.pwd#')
                        <cfif checkLoginUser.recordcount eq 1>
                                <cflock scope="session" type="EXCLUSIVE"
                                        <cfset session.checkLoginUser = 1>
                                        <cfset session.LoginUser =
url="#application.secureVirtualRoot#admin/control.cfm" addtoken="No">
                                <cflock scope="session" type="exclusive"
                                        <cfset session.checkLoginUser = 0>
                        <tr><td bgcolor="#ebebeb" class="main">&nbsp;<font
color="#ff0033">Sorry!</font> but your <b>login</b> details &nbsp;are
<b>incorrect</b> please check!</td></tr>

My application file is between the directories in a directory named secure,
and is like so

<cfinclude template="../../application.cfm">
<cfif isdefined("session.checkLoginUser")>
        <cfif session.checkLoginUser neq 1>
url="#Application.virtualRoot#coolcross/index.cfm" addtoken="No">
        <cflocation addtoken="No"

When I login through my own client its successfull, the session variable is
If I login on the webserver it is also successful.

If I login on any other client the session never gets set.

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