What about server push/pull strategies.  Hit yahoo and search for:
server push pull.

M$ Windows QT, now that is funny.  Of course M$ won't 'invent' this,
they will
'appropriate' the technology from Sun, IBM, Linux, or some poor
professor or hacker.
But then, this is way OT.  Sorry, could not resist.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] AT INTERNET on 02/21/2001 01:00 PM

cc:    (bcc: Douglas Knudsen/ATL/ALLTELCORP)

Subject:  Re: Allarie/Macromedia ColdFusion Feature Suggestion

Thanks for the smart-ass answer Philip. Sometimes you can't pass
back to the server because you don't want to reload the page.
everything isn't in a Form>Submit>Form>Submit framework.

"This is the kind of thing that Netscape was trying to do with
However, as we know the W3C didn't think much of this as a standard so
didn't go anywhere. You could do some pretty cool things with it
though." -
from Lanney Udey - Apparantly at least one other person thought this
be a good idea.

Could it not be accomplished via an ActiveX control? Could the
features not be extended to make the bridge between the client and the
server? Sort of a client-side process of CF that can communicate with
server side? I realize that the CF gets processed on the server while
the JS
gets processed on the client, but why couldn't CF be extended to
across the two?

"... CF server, is it meant to be psychic and predict which of the
of users have which JavaScript variables - and what if the user has
JavaScript disabled..." Well, there is the CFID/CFToken that could be
so that the server could "predict" who has JS variables ... the
would inevitably have to be sent to the server, but there could be
some kind
of unseen resubmittal process that would allow CF to reprocess areas
of the
page within a <cfscript> tag. If the client doesn't have JavaScript
then things like <cfform> validation wouldn't work either. That's
you always have to deal with is the existance of JS. Obviously if
using JS in a page you've thought this end of things out in the first

"CF7, the psychic platform that knows what you want before you even
yourself... a bit of quantum programming required, and don't forget to
upgrade to Windows QT - the Quantum version of NT for Quantum
machines." -
For yoUr feciCious comebacK - You Ought repUdiate.

Joshua Miller
Web Development
Eagle Technologies Group, Inc.
Business Solutions for the Next Generation

----- Original Message -----
From: "Philip Arnold - ASP" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 6:00 AM
Subject: RE: Allarie/Macromedia ColdFusion Feature Suggestion

> > Proabably a bit late to place this request for 5.0 - but how about
> >
> > Why don't you all make CF capable of grabbing JavaScript
> > variables at will throughout the page using a function like
> > scriptvar() or jsvar() or something like that? As many people as
> > use ColdFusion together with JavaScript, this seems like it would
> > have been addressed in version 1.0 - but now we're at 5.0 and
> > still no mention of being able to easilly access JavaScript
> > variables via CF.
> >
> > And no, I don't mean through a form submission, or in the URL or
> > anything else - I mean mid page I'd like to be able to do
> >
> > <script>
> >     colorval=thing.style.backgroundColor
> > </script>
> >
> > <cfoutput>You're using color: #jsvar(colorval)#</cfoutput>
> >
> > Not the best example, but you get the idea. I'm sure it presents
> > logistical problems since CF is processed on the server and JS on
> > the client, but you all are bright folks, surely you can figure
> > this one out :) (please?)
> Erm, just how is it meant to do this?
> JavaScript is Client side, CF is Server side - it doesn't really
know that
> the user is the same one as the previous requester, so if the
developer is
> too lazy to pass variables to the CF server, is it meant to be
psychic and
> predict which of the thousands of users have which JavaScript
variables -
> and what if the user has JavaScript disabled? Is CF meant to know
> without checking?
> CF7, the psychic platform that knows what you want before you even
> yourself... a bit of quantum programming required, and don't forget
> upgrade to Windows QT - the Quantum version of NT for Quantum
> Philip Arnold
> Director
> Certified ColdFusion Developer
> ASP Multimedia Limited
> T: +44 (0)20 8680 1133
> "Websites for the real world"
> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
> are addressed. If you have received this email in error please
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