Check this site, they have some good crossbrowser DHTML menus.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Kear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 1:52 AM
Subject: Cascading menus - anyone know a good cross-browser version?

> I'm looking for a cascading menu that is not based on graphics - I want to
> make it dynamic.  I have looked at Hiermenu (javascript) and it seems
> exactly what I want - except I can't make head nor tail of it and there is
> absolutely no documentation with it or on the site it comes from or
> anywhere else I can find.
> I've looked at some custom tags on the Allaire gallery, but they're either
> IE-only, Non-working, or CFX_ tags (I can't use CFX_ tags - I'm
> share-hosted and no CFX_ custom tags are allowed)
> Can anyone please EITHER:
> (1) Point me to some documentation for Hiermenus so I know how to set it
> up.  OR
> (2) Point me to a custom tag that will give me the functionality with
> IE4+, NN6, NN4+
> Actually I found a site that has what I want, and I've written three times
> to the webmaster but he's not responding. (sigh - so close but yet so
> far!)
> Cheers,
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> AFP Webworks
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