>From a select box I am selecting a single vehicle or all vehicles and pass
the parameter to a second template which determines my vairables type of

<cfif not isdefined("form.callsign")>
        <cflocation url="mapTest.cfm" addtoken="No">
<cfelseif isdefined("form.callsign") and form.callsign eq "all">

<!--- here I loop through my query and pass the multable parameters for each
<cfloop index="item" list="#form.callsign#">
        <cfquery name="qry_getVeichle" datasource="#application.dsn#"
username="#application.gateway#" password="#application.key#">
                SELECT  callsign, vowner, dt, Lat, Lon, Speed, Direction,
                FROM    dbo.vehicles
                WHERE   vowner = 222

<!--- else just a normal single vehicle --->
<cfquery name="qry_getVeichle" datasource="#application.dsn#"
username="#application.gateway#" password="#application.key#">
                SELECT  callsign, vowner, dt, Lat, Lon, Speed, Direction,
                FROM    dbo.vehicles
                WHERE   callsign = '#form.callsign#'

Then I am passing to a second server to get the vehicle positioning,
I wanted to do this the proper way with cfhttp, but due to buggy problems
with 4.5.1 and cfhttp

I have done it this way,
<cfset start = 1>
<cfset max = qry_getVeichle.recordCount>
<cfset zoom = "10">
<cfset data = "world">
<cfset mode = "init">

        <tr><td colspan="11">

This is fine for one vehicle, but for multable I still only get the first
vehicle in the recordset, even though I loop through my query for the
existence of all.

If I test my looped query like so,

<cfset start = 1>
<cfset max = qry_getVeichle.recordCount>

<cfloop query="qry_getVeichle" startrow="#start#" endrow="#max#">
        <tr><td colspan="11">

the obvious happens I get multable vehieles displayed but on multible maps,
(I know, duuu!!)

so I think that my problem lies somewhere around

startrow="#start#" endrow="#max#" which works fine when outputting to html

or else the problems with the 'mapview.exe' which would be a completely
different issue.

If some one could send me in the right direction with my cfloop though, it
would be mighty appreciated.

Thanx world..

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