Hi all,

I,m not sure if you can nest cfloop but I'm not getting any errors

but the desired result is not working.

This is my code,

<cfloop index="item" list="#form.callsign#">
        <cfquery name="qry_getvehicle" datasource="#application.dsn#"
username="#application.gateway#" password="#application.key#">
                SELECT  callsign, vowner, dt, Lat, Lon, Speed, Direction,
                FROM    dbo.vehicles
                WHERE   vowner = 224

<cfset start = 1>
<cfset max = qry_getvehicle.recordCount>
<cfparam name="icon" default="">
        <cfloop index="Loopcount" from="#start#" to="#max#">
                <cfif Loopcount eq max>
                        <cfset icon = "xhair">
                        <cfset icon = "target">
                <cfset allCars = "">
                        <cfloop query="qry_getvehicle" startrow="#start#"
                        <cfif allCars neq "">
                                <cfset allCars = allCars & ";">
                        <cfset allCars = replace(allCars &
#qry_getvehicle.lon# & "," & #qry_getvehicle.lat# & ",#icon#," &
#qry_getvehicle.callsign#," ","","ALL")>

What I am trying to do is on the last loop set my icon to a crosshair image,
else set it to a target.

I thought by nesting my loop this would have worked.  I suppose I should be
doing a 'while condition' within the cfloop instead, but I'm not too sure.

If anyone could help me on this I'd appreciate, thanx in advance..


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