go to the developer exchange at allaire and download the cfwizard tag set. Using wddx 
you can hold form var's for as many pages as you wish until the user clicks finish. 
It's a really cool tag set.


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Patricia Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 15:42:23 -0500

If you are allowed to only program for 5.x there might be a programmatic
workaround for you.

!-- PERSISTENCE_NOTE: The style block is required in Internet Explorer 5
Beta 1 for the saveHistory peer. -->
        .saveHistory {behavior:url(##default##savehistory);}

Attach the .saveHistory class to each of the form elements you want to
retain information for.  Then, as long as the user uses the Back button,
or you program a javascript: history.go(-1) (or whatever flavor you
prefer)... the user data will be retained.

Again, only will work for IE 5.x... and probably only on PC?

|-----Original Message-----
|From: Adrian Cesana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 2:47 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Form Fields cleared on Back
|Im going nuts trying to figure this one out, I have a form 
|with about 110
|fields (ya i know), there is lots of server side validation, 
|if an input
|error occurs I CFABORT and give the user a JavaScript back 
|button to go back
|an correct the input.  On some users PC the form gets cleared 
|on other PC's
|it does not.  I also use some of the CF built in validation 
|(_required) so
|the user has to use the browser back button, same thing 
|happens on some of
|these peoples browsers.  Of coarse it does not happen on mine. 
| I setup a
|few test forms for the problems users and it things work ok.  
|These users
|are all using IE 5.x, any one else have such problems, could 
|it be the large
|number of INPUT fields? any browser settings? registry settings? Voodoo
|dances? anything?
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