Actually Phoen...I'm quite the tolerant individual..but I do believe your
comments and personality would fit a lot better with the CF-Community list.

You should try joining that..its for all the off topic posts and banter
between the CF Programmers, most of whom are also on this list..

I mean...if you think about it reasonably..the fact that there IS a
CF-Community list, means that the list creators saw the need for the
community to give little rants..joke around they made a list for
that. Which tends to lead one to think that the CF-Talk list would be for
more on topic, 'serious' programming questions etc. etc.

You can subscribe to the CF Community list over at houseoffusion I'm sure.


-----Original Message-----
From: Phoeun Pha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Peter, you are aware this is the CF talk list, where programmers can be
programmers.  I will groom myself when I am in the CF jobs talklist :)

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